Friday, October 8, 2010

Happiness Quilt

Happiness Quilt - Front

Happiness Quilt - Back
Here is my third quilt.  Front and back is all Anna Maria Horner fabric from her Good Folks line in which I fell in love with when I first discovered quilting and fabric.  Although I now have about 10 different quilt patterns, I instead just kind of created this one organically.  I didn't really know what I was doing but just started cutting into the front fabric making different sized rectangles.  On the back I just cut up the fabric pieces I had left and tried to lay them out in a fairly symmetrical way.  

The name of the quilt stems from a quilt block I made for a lovely friend who recently moved to Canada.  While I was cutting out the rectangles for the front, I made her a block out of the scraps that remained.  I called it "The Happiness Block" for her and it was the back of my memory page that I submitted into the memory book we made for my friend.  So the name of the block translated to the quilt.  I should have taken a picture of that block because it was really cool!

My favorite part of the quilt - the binding.  This quilt is very soft and now that the weather is getting a bit cooler here, I have been using at night while watching TV.  Yes, I made this one for me.  

I'm travelling to MN this morning with my father to attend the funeral of one of my aunts.  Looking forward to seeing  family, not making meals for two days, fall colors and my own hotel room.  

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